10,742 research outputs found

    The role of the regulator to promote the sustainability of water supply in Portugal

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    PosterWater is considered one of the most important natural resources and according to its scarcity and cost, it necessary to implement a sustainable management of its use. One of the reasons for the unsustainable management of the sector in Portugal is the failure of the national Strategic Plan 2006-2013. It is no surprise that, either in relation to coverage ratios, or with respect to the quality of the water supplied, Portugal is meeting the goals set out by the government. The of sustainability of the sector is another one, it’s related to the way the sector is organized and managed. Regarding the reorganization of the sector with a concentration of operators (ending micro operators without technical and financial dimension), the vertical systems (from catchment to home delivery), the desired concentration ranges (in water supply and wastewater treatment), the use of partnerships between the State and the municipalities and a uniform tariff, nothing has been done and none of these aspects of the government objectives have been implemented. It is therefore necessary to create or strengthen the institutions that promote the protection of water resources. Among these institutions the Regulatory Authority and Waste Water Services (ERSAR) plays a central role, with a wide range of functions from defending the quality of the water services, its fair distribution, the sustainability of water resources, the respect of legal mechanisms, the training and information of and on the sector, to the financial and taxes instruments. As Gerlach and Franceys (2010:1229) refer: "the new regulators face the tremendous challenge of stimulating and supporting water service providers to improve their poor performance record, which affects the disproportionately lower income population" and "[...] regulators are required to balance politically potentially sensitive and conflicting efficiency and welfare objectives." The objective of this study is to deepen the knowledge of the framework and role of ERSAR powers, allowing make sustainable management of water supply systems in Portugal, after the high investments made in the sector in the last 20 years. These results will be obtained based on bibliographic research, application of a survey to different entities with competences in water services in European Union (Benchmarking) and application of a Interview to key actors (municipalities) in Setúbal District, in Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Out of Kendall

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    The Out of Kendall Project focuses on introducing young children in first and second-grade to the following competencies: global empathy, slowing down, and appreciating their surrounding and other places. The project utilizes approaches adopted from Harvard University’s Project Zero that provide pedagogical approaches, thinking routines that allow the students to comprehend these competencies. The Out of Kendall Project introduces young learners to Paul Salopek’s journey of walking 21,000 miles around the seven continents. Paul documents his journey for everyone to watch and to partake. Project Zero created a website called Out of Eden Learn that allows classrooms around the world analyze Paul’s adventure and share unique aspects from their environment. The Out of Kendall project invites two public classrooms to join Paul’s odyssey as they will initiate a walk in their neighborhood

    Louis Macneice: poeta do devir

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    Polissema: Revista de Letras do ISCAP 2002/N.º 2 LinguagensDizia T. S. Eliot que não há arte mais teimosamente universal do que a poesia1. Talvez nenhum poeta seja tão teimosamente universal como Louis MacNeice (1907-1963). Nascido em Belfast e educado em Inglaterra, MacNeice pertence a uma geração de poetas, onde se incluem W. H. Auden, Stephen Spender e Cecil Day-Lewis, a quem não é indiferente o contexto sociopolítico e que, de forma mais ou menos acentuada, se empenha numa literatura de intervenção, muito em consequência do pessimismo gerado pela Segunda Guerra Mundial. Paradoxalmente, a poesia de Louis MacNeice vive da descontextualização: não se conforma com uma realidade estática ou adormecida, cristalizada em parcelas estanques. Embora alguns aspectos mais significativos da sua obra se relacionem directamente com uma identidade cultural e linguística ambivalente, o que mais parece salientar-se é a importância que MacNeice atribui ao movimento do mundo e à forma como esse movimento actua sobre o ser.Dizia T. S. Eliot que não há arte mais teimosamente universal do que a poesia1. Talvez nenhum poeta seja tão teimosamente universal como Louis MacNeice (1907-1963). Nascido em Belfast e educado em Inglaterra, MacNeice pertence a uma geração de poetas, onde se incluem W. H. Auden, Stephen Spender e Cecil Day-Lewis, a quemnão é indiferente o contexto sócio-político e que, de forma mais ou menos acentuada, se empenha numa literatura de intervenção, muito em consequência do pessimismo gerado pela Segunda Guerra Mundial

    A Sexualidade na Deficiência Mental

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    A questão da sexualidade na deficiência mental é pouco discutida e permeada de preconceitos, mitos e tabus. Aspessoas com deficiência mental possuem conhecimentos precários a respeito da sua sexualidade, experiênciaslimitadas e são, muitas vezes, privadas de um acesso efectivo a uma educação sexual adequada. O objectivo desteartigo é perceber quais são os conhecimentos, necessidades e sentimentos de pessoas com deficiência mental,diante da sua sexualidade. Da análise qualitativa dos dados das entrevistas realizadas a alunos com deficiênciamental concluímos que os seus conhecimentos em matéria de sexualidade são insuficientes e incorrectos. Por estarazão apresentamos uma proposta de um programa de Educação Sexual para ser implementado no ensino regulara alunos com Deficiência Mental.The issue of sexuality in the mental retardation is rarely discussed and full of prejudices, myths and taboos.People with intellectual disabilities have poor knowledge about their sexuality, limited experience and are oftendeprived of effective access to adequate sex education. The aim of this paper is to understand what are theknowledge, needs and feelings of people with mental disability towards their sexuality. The qualitative analysis ofdata from interviews with students with mental Disability concluded that their knowledge in matters of sexualityis inadequate and inaccurate. For this reason we present a proposal of a sexual education program to beimplemented in regular education for students with intellectual disabilities.La Sexualité dans la déficience mentaleLa question de la sexualité dans la déficience mentale est peu discutée et lourde de préjugés, mythes et tabous. Lespersonnes ayant une déficience mentale ont une mauvaise connaissance de leur sexualité, des expériences limitéeset sont souvent privés d’un accès effectif à une éducation sexuelle appropriée. Le but de cette étude est decomprendre quelles sont les connaissances, les besoins et sentiments des personnes handicapées mentales en facede sa sexualité. De l'analyse qualitative des données provenant d'entrevues avec des élèves ayant une déficiencementale, nous avons conclu que leurs connaissances en matière de sexualité sont insuffisantes et inexactes. Pourcette raison, nous proposons un programme d'éducation sexuelle à mettre en œuvre dans l'enseignementordinaire pour les étudiants ayant une déficience mentale

    Intersubjectivity and poetic translation

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    No one will deny the challenges of translating poetry. But it is not as clear why we should consider, in general terms, the translation of any prose easier than the translation of verse. Good prose does not differ substantially from good verse, as Wordsworth insisted in his 1802 “Preface to Lyrical Ballads”. Of course, there are often more elements to consider in verse composition: the expressionform is indeed of more significance in verse than in prose, for the creation of meaning in the former is concentrated into smaller units or, in essence, depends on the expression- form itself. The pleasure of reading and writing poetry derives from precisely this dependence on the signifier, on words rather than ideas, as Mallarmé would put it. We may conclude that the translative process is the same in both modes of literary translation, due to the poetic function’s manifest prevalence in literary texts, even if the type of effort varies, as we will see, according to the level of abstraction the poem presents. And this is where the concept of intersubjectivity – as well as the awareness thereof – takes on a whole new outlook. Despite what it may seem at first glance, the presence of intersubjectivity is far from being a given truth, and it is likely that many translators would benefit from integrating it into their work

    Apoptosis in Displaced Temporomandibular Joint Disc with and without Reduction: An Immunohistochemical Study

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    Internal derangement (ID) of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is due to an abnormal relationship of the articular disc to the mandibular condyle, glenoid fossa and articular eminence. The two most common types of internal derangement are anterior disc displacement with (ADDwR) and without reduction (ADDwoR). Disc displacement is associated with degenerative tissue changes. The histological features of discs from patients with TMJ ID reflect a general remodelling caused by abnormal loading. A correlation has been demonstrated between TMJ ID and apoptosis. Few investigations have addressed the role of apoptosis or caspase activity in TMJ ID. The apoptosis activation process was studied in different areas of discs from 18 patients with ID (both ADDwR and ADDwoR) and four cadavers (controls), with emphasis on the expression of caspase 3, whose activation makes the death process irreversible. The results showed a greater proportion of caspase 3‐positive cells in ADDwR and ADDwoR than in control discs. Immunopositivity also varied between disc areas; in particular, in ADDwoR sections labelled cells were significantly more numerous (P \u3c 0.01) in the posterior disc attachment than in the anterior and intermediate bands. In addition, a significantly greater proportion of labelled cells was seen in the anterior (+) and intermediate (++) band of ADDwR compared with ADDwoR discs both bands (P \u3c 0.05). These data suggest the importance of programmed cell death in the progression of TMJ ID

    International procedural regulation in the common interest: the role of fact-finding and evidence before the International Court of Justice

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    BACKGROUND: By developing international law, international courts can also contribute to the protection and promotion of community interests. The ICJ, in particular, is capable of promoting community interests by adjudicating inter-State claims. However, one of the main obstacles faced by the World Court relates to the existing tension between the bilateral nature of its own proceedings and the multilateral nature of the conflicting substantive law. OBJECTIVE: Considering that procedure may guide and shape the application of substantive law, it will be argued that it should itself be interpreted and developed in a manner to ensure community interests. The objective of the research project is to access the ways in which ICJ procedural rules can be adjusted and tailored for multiparty aspects in order to protect community interests and enhance international court’s legitimacy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Qualitative analysis of extensive and specialized bibliography. Implementation of deductive method. RESULTS: Most procedural rules can be adjusted for multiparty aspects with the aim of protecting community interests and enhancing the international court’s legitimacy. This research project identified the need to expand the following procedural rules:  intervention of third parties; participation of non-State actors as amici curiae; fact-finding powers; and rules of evidence.    CONCLUSIONS: This article argues that the Court should assume expanded procedural powers in order to ensure the effective application of substantive law whenever community interests are at issue. In particular, this article identified two issues that deserve further analysis with a view to promoting the interests of the international community: fact-finding in complex cases involving community interests, which includes the need for independent expertise and guidance on cross-examination issues; and transparency in the production of documentary evidence and its consequences in community interests’ cases

    Occurrence and Regional Distribution of TRAIL and DR5 on Temporomandibular Joint Discs: Comparison of Disc Derangement with and without Reduction

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    Background Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)–related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is an apoptosis-inducing member of the TNF gene family which triggers apoptotic signals by interaction with its receptors. It has been suggested to be a major contributing factor to tissue degeneration. Objective The present study investigated, through immunohistochemistry, the regional expression of TRAIL and in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc of anterior disc displacement with reduction (ADDwR) and without reduction (ADDwoR) patients, to help determine the relationship between TMJ disc displacement and apoptosis. Study design We studied 18 TMJ diseased discs affected by disc displacement without or with reduction and 4 normal TMJ discs. Specimens were processed for immunohistochemistry to evaluate TRAIL and its receptor DR5 expression. Results Disc tissues from internal derangements (both ADDwR and ADDwoR) exhibited a much higher percentage of TRAIL- and DR5-positive cells as well as stain intensity compared with normal tissue though with regional variation according to the portion of the disc. There was a significantly higher percentage of stained cells in the posterior disc attachment compared with the anterior or intermediate bands of both ADDwR and ADDwoR discs for TRAIL and DR5. Conclusions TRAIL and DR5 are overexpressed in displaced human TMJ disc, especially in the posterior disc attachment. These results suggest a possible pivotal role of the TRAIL/DR5 system in TMJ disc degeneration

    Mercado social y programas de VIH / SIDA en Ghana

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    El propósito de este estudio es analizar algunas de las tendencias del VIH/SIDA en Ghana (África) y las intervenciones como la integración del Objetivo 6 de Desarrollo del Milenio y la noción de cómo el marketing social ha llegado a definirse y utilizarse para influir en el cambio de comportamiento. Al ser un estudio epistemológico, nos basamos en los métodos cualitativos principalmente utilizando el análisis de las obras publicadas y los informes. La respuesta al VIH/SIDA en Ghana puede ser resumido de la promoción de políticas, promoción, y un entorno propicio. Otras respuestas son la mitigación de los impactos sociales, culturales, legales y económicos del VIH/SIDA y el comportamiento de comunicación de mensajes de cambio, así como a proporcionar tratamiento, atención y realización de investigación, vigilancia, seguimiento y evaluación del VIH/SIDA. Dentro de los cinco años de la implementación de los ODM, Ghana estuvo a punto de alcanzar meta de los ODM, pero la tendencia de la prevalencia sufrió un duro revés, aunque el ODM 6 que se puede lograr si los esfuerzos son potencialmente sostenidos